Teen Book Blog
Both of my sisters are phenomenal mothers. I guess it's owed to the fact we were raised by a phenomenal mother. But both of my sisters, in addition to my own mom, are my mothering mentors. They have been there, done that and never fail to have a solution to my toddler/preschooler issues. And so they are raising super cool people who I'm lucky to have as my nieces and nephews. My oldest niece is 13 and is growing up to be the kind of woman I keep trying to become! She's smart, beautiful, and oozes integrity and character in all she does. Want to hear something cool? She went dressed as Minerva for Halloween. Last year she went as a historically accurate Salem witch. What did you go as when you were 12 and 13? Yeah, I was a punk rocker too. Anyway, I dig her in a big way. So what other super cool thing does my super cool niece do? She starts a super cool book review blog aimed at tweens and teens. At 13 I was trying to figure out if Mrs. Kirk Cameron would look better on my checkbook or if Mrs. Ricky Schroeder was the way to go.She named her blog Mystery, Myths, and Magic and she uses it as a way to think about literature and literature based movies. She writes as she speaks and the 13 year old in her bubbles out. I love it. I know some of you may have children in this age group and thought I'd plug her blog a bit in case your kids would like to read it. Remember, she's 13 and she's still practicing at her writing....no critiques and put your red pens away (I have and if I can you can too! ) You know why else she is a rock star? She tries out for the play every year. I wish I had the nerve to do that!
In DIY news, I sanded the top of a table I'm refinishing and I'm so excited about how it turned out! Plus I'll have some Christmas stuff to post this week.
And because I can't leave you without posting some kind of picture....
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true dat |
lol to the lie you pictured there! It happened to me with a box of pancake mix last week!!!